Blufi tulip field

campo di tulipani di Blufi

In Blufi, in front of the impressive Sanctuary of the Madonna dell’olio, a unique spectacle unfolds in spring that seems to transport a small portion of Holland onto Sicilian soil. A carpet of red tulips appears spontaneously from March onwards and offers an unmissable sight for lovers of nature and photography.

These beautiful red flowers grow spontaneously in a field planted with wheat, surrounded by almond and olive trees. This is the early tulip or Raddi’s tulip (Tulipa raddii) which, thanks to its resistance to ploughing the soil, blooms generously between March and May.

This little spectacle of nature attracts thousands of visitors to Blufi every year. For this reason, certain measures have been taken to protect the area: the field has been fenced off and rules have been laid down that must be respected: access is only permitted from the main entrance and an obligatory route must be followed within the field. Picking or trampling tulips is not allowed, nor is picnicking.

But tulips are not the only wonder of Blufi; just a few metres from the field, it is possible to visit a place that is still a site of pilgrimage: a singular spring of ‘miraculous’ oil that emerges naturally from the ground, believed to have magical healing properties. There are many fascinating legends that attempt to explain the surfacing of this magical oil, and the inhabitants of this charming village will be happy to share them with you!

To reach the Blufi tulip field from Catania or Palermo, simply take the Irosa exit from the motorway and follow the SP138 for about 5 km.

The Macaluso family, in charge of the field, has created a dedicated Facebook page to keep those interested updated on the progress of the flowering. Through this platform, it is possible to find out about the current initiatives, discover the best time to visit the tulips of Blufi and admire the photos of this precious spectacle on the Madonie.

Baglio Saccù is an aparthotel that features exclusive apartments within a traditional stone baglio, nestled in the quiet Sicilian countryside.

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